Presenting here PUBG Mobile UC Carding Method of 2024 which is 100% working trick till date. With this trick you can purchase unlimited uc at very cheap price.

Pubg mobile uc carding
From last few days i got so many messages like – How to buy pubg uc through carding? Which cc need to use for pubg carding and so on. But it’s not possible to reply one by one and that is why i shared this trick for all of you.
Also checkout: PUBG Mobile Hacks Available for Sale
As you all know PUBG Mobile one of the most popular game in the world because this is the first mobile shooting game which have very good graphics as well as design even i love this game too.
Trust me if you play one time this game you will definitely loved it. Just try once if you had never played. You can also earn lots of money if you can play like a pro.
Well this post is not for those who even doesn’t know what is pubg, this only for those who know it very well and also known the value of pubg mobile uc (unown cash)
Before i share the trick i hope you all know about UC (Unknosn Cash) if you don’t then keep reading till end.
What is PUBG mobile UC
UC (Unknown Cash) is a type of virtual cash for purchasing outfit and shopping in pubg mobile game. You can buy anything in pubg mobile with exchange of unknown cash.
I do not need to say much info about uc as you already know the value of it if you are a pubg player. This is just for those reader who doesn’t even know about pubg.
Now let’s come to the main topic. If you really want to hack pubg mobile uc then you must need to have some knowledge about carding. If you are a new in this field then just read my previous article.
Requirements for UC Carding of PUBG Mobile
You have arrange some most useful stuff in order to get uc by using this method. So here i have listed all those stuff. Just arrange them and follow our process.
- CC – Credit card – Buy CC from here
- VPN – Virtual Private Network – use HMA
- iOs Device – iPhone or iPad
- PUBG Mobile App – Android| Ios
- Pubg Account
- Apple ID
- Knowledge of Online Purchase.
You can buy cc from us at 55$ per cc or you can buy from any dark web site such as unicc with exchange of BTC. But this will cost you more.
Or you can buy cc from us at Rs.4000 / USD $55 to Rs Rs.6000 / USD $80 and you can buy upto 32,400 UC with one cc. Contact via Whatsapp or Telegram for more details.
Please note: You can also use playstore instead of apple store but sometimes you will get error messages like ‘Your transaction can not be successful‘ so in this case you have to change your Gmail ID.
PUBG Mobile UC Carding Method & Trick
Now let’s start main method of PUBG mobile UC Carding before that a little warning for everyone who want to apply this trick.
Please note: Carding is a cybercrime and it’s highly illegal in india and others country too, so please try to use this trick in as safe as possible way.
Here is simple steps for PUBG Carding:
- Get a live cc with good BIN
- Take your device
- Add card details in apple id or play store.
- Verify the card by making a small purchase.
- Open PUBG and click on buy uc
- Select how much you wish to buy
- Make payment through apple id or playstore.
- That’s it. You have successfully carded UC.
Hold on man, it’s just i tell you how it can be possible but now i will share full details with explain so don’t leave. Just keep reading.
Here i am going to tell you in two way first one is with App Store and 2nd part is with Playstore and online gaming shop such as Midasbuy , both trick is very easy to use.
UC Carding with iPhone
First of all buy a live cc from us cc cost only 4000Rs / USD 55$ to 6000Rs /USD 80$ (Recommended fullz cc which cost 6000Rs / 80$)
If you have out of indian cc like us, uk or anywhere else then use vpn with same country as cc or if you are using indian cc then vpn not required.
Then take your ios device and open settings > apple id > view apple id payment shipping
Then click on ‘Add Payment Method‘ option and enter cc details which you bought
You have to enter Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV and Name as well as Address too.
Once you add all details carefully just recheck them and click on Done.
Now comeback to homepage and restart your iPhone or iPad
Goto itune store and download some paid songs or movies. After that close itune store and wait upto 4 hour.
After 4 hour open pubg mobile and start purchasing uc from the app (you can do transaction upto 1 to 5 in per cc)
Thats all about PUBG Mobile UC Carding method with ios device guys. You will get 40k plus uc at just 4k / 55$ so best of luck.
Note sometimes you will get declined message if your card details isn’t valid or the card is not available for international purchase so in this case you have to choose good BIN which is unlocked for international purchase.
UC Carding with Android Device
This is also very easy trick and even you dont need to root your device for this method. Just need to have a cc with good play store bin and you are ready to go.
So first of all just buy a non vbv cc from any cc shop or you can also buy from us (The BIN is secret only buyers will get bin. contact us via whatsapp +12016887300 if you want to buy cc)
So if you buy any international bin such as USA then you have to use vpn so open play store and download Zenmate or HMA vpn (you can use any vpn but these two is high speed vpn)
Then open settings in your phone and go to google accounts then remove all the accounts from there.
Now create a new Gmail ID with cc holder name and verify it.
Then open Play Store > Payment methods

Payment method
Click on add Add Credit or Debit Card option

Add payment method
Add cc holder name, number, cvv and expiry date and also add cc holder address if you have otherwise put any random address then click on save.
Now restart your device and wait upto 4 hour. You can close vpn if you are using.
After 4 hour Open PUBG Mobile in your phone and start purchasing uc and use play store as payment mode.
That’s it guys, you will get payment successful message and uc will be added to your account. You can purchase upto 80k uc from one cc but be careful your account can be banned if pubg team detect any unusual activity.
Here is Proof of UC Carding:-

UC Carding Proof
I have upgraded skin of all guns such as m416 Glacier max, Fool max, UMP full max and AKM, Groza, Scarel and others guns too as well as many outfits.
So guys with this PUBG Mobile Carding Method and Trick you can buy unlimited uc by just spending very small amount. If you need cc you can contact me via whatsapp or facebook. +12016887300
Buy Carded UC from us at Cheap Price
Unable to card? don’t worry we are here to solve your problem, you can also buy UC from us at very cheap price even you can buy Unlimited UC for create opening.
Here is List of Price to buy PUBG MOBILE UC at Cheap Price
UC Amount | Price | Delivery Time |
8100 | $55 USD / Rs.4000 | 1 Hour |
16200 | $80 USD / Rs.7000 | 1 Hour |
32000 + | $150 USD / Rs.11400 | 1 Hou |
50000 + | $250 USD / Rs. 19000 | 2 Hour |
100000 | $400 USD / Rs.30000 | 24 Hour |
Here i have listed lowest amount UC pack only, you can also order big amount pack such as 100000 lac to 10,00000 at more discount. so why you are waiting for contact us now
Video of PUBG Mobile UC Carding-
Contact Details
So after reading this post, if you want to buy cc, Fresh BIN, Latest Carding Trick or UC Pack then you can contact us by using above contact details-
- Telegram – @Techiepedias1
- Mail- [email protected]
- Whatsapp- +12016887300
Hope you understand this pubg mobile carding trick, here i have shared everything in details if you still need any kind of indo regarding this trick then you can comment down below. I will definitely help you out.
sorry please trying again later
carding card activity in 50 dollars
please panding payment 20 dollars
30 mints waiting for you trying
carding UC 350k
thanks for coming
SHAYAN not payment 🚫 except
card activit is 50 dollars…..
sorry panding payment pay attention
last warning ⚠️….
thanks for coming
Bro how to bgmi carding I’m from india can u give me some tips about it
51328554310 sorry please try again
payment not completed panding success in the buy carding UC 85’000
thanks for coming
hi how can I buy uc
Contact on given number